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Re: [sc-users] Studying source

I find that to study source code it is absolulety essential to be able to lookup the definition of every symbol (function, variable, etc). That requires some sort of IDE. Fortunately it is quite easy to get IDE integration with cmake. Some possibilities are vscode + cmake plugin or qtcreator. Cmake can also generate project files for IDEs like visual studio.

Às 22:29 de 06/06/21, clfest@xxxxxxxxxx escreveu:
I heard a recording by James McCartney saying that if we're interested
in how SuperCollider handles sound from the bottom we ought to study
the C++ code. This sounds great but the Cmake process and the make
process are sort of opaque to me, so I was wondering which files to start
at. I have studied the source code for FORMULA (another music programming
language) before, but it's build process was a little less elaborate.

                     Thank You For Your Attention

Miguel Negrão

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