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Re: [sc-users] Studying source

There's a chapter in the Supercollider Book about Server internals.
Maybe that would be a good start before digging into the actual source code.

This sounds great but the Cmake process and the make
process are sort of opaque to me,
You don't need to understand the build system to understand how the
software works. You can just ignore it for now. However, cmake is widely
used in the C++ world, so it's certainly not a bad idea to learn the basics.

so I was wondering which files to start at.
I'd say, start with "scsynth_main.cpp", which is the entry point of the
scsynth application, and gradually work yourself up from there :-)


On 06.06.2021 23:29, clfest@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I heard a recording by James McCartney saying that if we're interested
in how SuperCollider handles sound from the bottom we ought to study
the C++ code. This sounds great but the Cmake process and the make
process are sort of opaque to me, so I was wondering which files to start
at. I have studied the source code for FORMULA (another music programming
language) before, but it's build process was a little less elaborate.

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