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Re: [sc-users] SendTrig in 2 or more SynthDefs

hi daniel,

first thank you for the reply!
i managed it with one
OSCFunc and a "central" SynthDef for audio input.
dont know why i tried two functions :D

the func:

~responder = OSCFunc({ arg msg, time;

            {("Buffer Number"+msg.at(3)).postln;}, //stuff

                msg.at(3).postln; //stuff

    },'/tr', s.addr);

the synthdef just uses two SendTrigs now with id 1 and id2.
sorry for bad style :D im a musician....

one question:

why is stop no trigger? when i set it to 1 with:

Synth(\rec,[\stop,1]); //or smth.

shouldnt that trigger the output of


inside my synth?


On 15.12.2014 20:55, Daniel Mayer wrote:
In your SynthDef 'stop' is no trigger.
You can define an id arg.
Maybe you dont need separate OSCFuncs.
You can also use SendReply which is, due to
cmdName arg and value array, more flexible.



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