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[sc-users] SendTrig in 2 or more SynthDefs
im not too much into OSC communication from server to language.
problems start if i want to have 2 or more synths
with their own SendTrig and OSCFunc...
maybe this is the cause of a general misunderstanding of OSC and
server to language communications ...(lala)
if anyone has experience with the issue..please help :D
arg buf,bus,start,stop,ingain;
var in,phase,record,respond;
in = SoundIn.ar(bus)*ingain;
phase =
record = BufWr.ar(in,buf,phase);
respond = SendTrig.kr(stop,100,phase); //<==like
this...thought ID would help
~loopResponder = OSCFunc({ arg msg, time;
if(msg.at(2)==100, //again ID
},'/tr', s.addr);
//(if-statement should be replaced with while or smth. :D)
worked at last for me...
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