hi there!
what about a jam that looks like this?
am @2g on twitter
stole 4 sctweets done by @redFrik
mixed their output with Plaintalk.Kathy.wav, FretlessTelecaster.wav
n NepaliseTomTom.wav
with a python script i wrote to automate the process
ive been away from sc for a while
cuz recently am doing most of my cui music producing on
but since i found a thread mentioning that sc can be done even on pinephones
decided to learn things again from sctweets
most of you arent sctweeting any more?
telegra.ph(by telegram) is a great site that lets you embed tweets n tubevideos
one sad thing is that twitter wont let you post the url generated by
telegra.phwhere are ppl posting their casual codes right now?
if telegram i can also embed the code in a same way
or maybe theres a site that i can embed toots?
the point was that a jam doesnt always have to b in realtime ;D
PS excuse me Fredrik for stealing your tweet as samples