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Re: [sc-users] Pbind question

On Fri, Jun 11, 2021 at 1:08 AM <maxlouis.raugel@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> ... I don't think patterns are useless ! My apologies if i gave off that impression. I do use Patterns sometimes and am quite aware/in awe of their potential, hence my curiosity. I just get a bit stuck composing with continuities, for which i might have an aesthetic bias like you say

The question of bridging patterns' discrete events and control-signal
inputs' continuity is interesting to me, although my time has been
limited to deal with it in any systematic way. But I did just try a
quick and dirty prototype --

You would need to take "test-tempbus.sc" and save it as an extension,
then recompile the class library.

After that, you can have an Event that embeds another event, and the
sub-event will automatically allocate a bus, play its synth on that
bus, map the parent event control to that bus, and release the bus
when finished -- arbitrary modulation signals applied to any

There are unsolved problems with it -- it doesn't work with any
automatically calculated values (degree -> note -> midinote -> freq
etc). And, if you use a pattern to put an event into another event,
data from the parent event may leak into the child event.

There are probably ways to address those, but I'm out of time for today.

Briefly, going back to one of your other comments:

> VarLag is really useful to modulate a few parameters but it quickly gets out of hand if the SynthDef is complex - multiplying the total number of arguments or ControledNames by two, three or even four (!) to modulate time, curvature, warp for each paramater.

If I go right now to VCV Rack and add, say, a Vult Lateralus ladder
filter module, I see that there is a cutoff knob *and* a cutoff CV
input *and* an attenuator knob for the cutoff CV. So that is three
inputs only for this one filter's cutoff. The difference is that in
(Euro)Rack, you add a module and the inputs are managed for you. In
SC, you have to create the inputs by yourself -- so the math of
handling modulatable inputs is completely exposed. This leads to the
impression that it's "out of hand" but -- Lateralus has only three
relevant controls -- and nine(!) inputs for them -- which is no less
"out of hand" except that it's done for you, so you wouldn't notice.

It would help if SC had, say, a ModulatedControl class that would
create all the necessary control inputs for you. Maybe on the


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