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Re: [sc-users] Future of the lists

Hi there Scott and others,

Just to echo what most people have said, I’m very thankful for sc-users and all it’s contributors over the years. I’m a VERY slow learner, and reading the list has helped me learn enormously.

Recently, it’s become very difficult for me to search for, and read old posts online (probably my failing), so if it was moved to a more modern and friendlier format, I’d be very happy. For me, it’s important the archive is there, and it’s easy to search & find old posts.

I’m more of a ‘reader’ than a ‘poster’ though, and blissfully unaware of the ramifications of such a move. The SC Forum does seem a very nice place though, and full of ‘new blood’.

Thanks again sc-users, you’ve also been a very nice place. :-)

sc-users mailing list

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