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Re: [sc-users] Studying source

You do know who James MacCartney is?

On 6/6/21 2:34 PM, znmeb@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
When someone tells me to "read the source code", that means they are
unwilling to write tutorials. That doesn't grow a community and it's
discouraging to hear about software as popular and useful as

On Sun, Jun 6, 2021 at 2:30 PM <clfest@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I heard a recording by James McCartney saying that if we're interested
in how SuperCollider handles sound from the bottom we ought to study
the C++ code. This sounds great but the Cmake process and the make
process are sort of opaque to me, so I was wondering which files to start
at. I have studied the source code for FORMULA (another music programming
language) before, but it's build process was a little less elaborate.

                      Thank You For Your Attention

Time is an imaginary number. Entropy always wins.

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Time is an imaginary number. Entropy always wins.

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