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Re: [sc-users] SC + PinePhone!

wow i ran into this old thread when i was cleaning up my mailbox

did an apt install supercollider
clicked the icon and s.boot worked fine

but oh the gui is almost impossible to use

so did the apt install supercollider-vim
vim-addons install supercollider

but it says
ignoring unknown addons: supercollider

becomes a command not found

there sure is man for scvim

maybe ppl are taking advantage of this sc via tidalcycles?



On Thu, Jun 11, 2020, 22:40 <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Wooow this is amazing news. Depressingly, installing sc is not possible in the otherwise wonderful termux on Android because of lacking jack support but this is even better.

On 10/06/2020 18.37, amindfv@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Yeah! First up I'll probably be building some little GUI composition/performance tools, either with sclang+QT or a web interface->Vivid->scsynth. I'm also really excited to be able to run things from sccode.org when I'm out and have a couple minutes to kill. Kind of an mp3 player for SC code haha


El 10 jun 2020, a las 10:10, alxndr.psclt@xxxxxxxxx escribió:

Wow amazing. Just got mine yesterday. Any idea of what you (or anyone else on this list) would like to do with it?
I will probably think a little bit about some automatic composition based on the sensors of the device.
This is exactly the kind of idea that underlines how awesome a pure linux phone can be; it opens so much new possibilities.

Alex Psclt

Le mer. 10 juin 2020 à 15:49, <amindfv@xxxxxxxxx> a écrit :
Happy to report that SC works without any tinkering with Mobian on the PinePhone!

Just `apt install supercollider`, click the IDE icon, and you're in. IDE interactions weren't designed for touch, of course, but I can write code and play sounds! Running scripts with sclang works too.

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