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Re: [sc-users] How to send magnitude data from FFT to buffer to client?

iirc writing to busses with Out.kr was more efficient than having many many SendReply.

but do you need the Routine/SendReply at all?  can't you just use the busses directly on the server?

here's a trimmed down example of what i mean...
var buffersize= 2048;
var buffersize2= buffersize.div(2);
s.options.memSize= 8192*2;
	c= Bus.control(s, buffersize2);
	SynthDef(\avTrk, {|in= 0, t_trig= 0, amp= 1, bus|
		var z= Mix(In.ar(in, 2)*amp);
		var chain= FFT(LocalBuf(buffersize), z);
		Array.fill(buffersize2, {|i|
			var a= Unpack1FFT(chain, buffersize, i);
			var d= Demand.kr(chain>=0, 0, a);
			Out.kr(bus+i, d.min(1));
	Synth(\avTrk, [\in, 20, \amp, 0.3, \bus, c]);

//some source sound (here freq sweep)
a= {SinOsc.ar(LFSaw.kr(0.05).exprange(200, 2000), 0, 0.5)}.play(outbus:20);

//listen to magnitudes from bin 1 and bin 50
b= {SinOsc.ar([400,600],0,[In.kr(c.index+1), In.kr(c.index+50)])*0.5}.play;

//the loud click is when the source sweep jumps back

//visualise the first 50 bins
s.scope(50, c.index, rate:\control)

note that there are more efficient ways to do this if you don't need all the bins.

> 4 juni 2021 kl. 21:26 skrev lambda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
> Yes, it is probably what I needs.
> How do you think, is it possible to use SendReply instead of routine?
> On 04.06.2021 20:44, f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> here's an example using UnpackFFT1 and Demand to extract magnitudes from a spectra and put that on a multichannel (1024) control rate buss.  maybe that's something you can adapt for your needs.
>> http://sccode.org/1-4Ty
>> see UnpackFFT1 helpfile on how to get the phases too.
>> _f
>>> 4 juni 2021 kl. 19:21 skrev lambda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
>>> Data comes from FFT.
>>> So only way is make a routine that will turn buffer into array and write data to bus?
>>> This way I will need to update busses 48000 times a second to be accurate.
>>> On 04.06.2021 17:39, spluta@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> Since fft uses a buffer, you can use loadToFloatArray:
>>>> b.loadToFloatArray(action:{|array| a = array})
>>>> Is this from FFT or PV_RecordBuf?
>>>> Sam
>>>>> On Jun 4, 2021, at 4:22 PM, lambda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>>> Hello!
>>>>> I want to use magnitudes and phases data I got after using FFT on microphone input to modulate synth instances.
>>>>> At first, I want to sort FFT bins by magnitude power, take first N
>>>>> bins, normalize data, and then send it to N * 2 Busses (N for magnitudes and N for phases) these Busses I want to use for modulating synths with .asMap() method.
>>>>> I tried to write this data to control rate Bus inside .pvcollect,
>>>>> but it is not possible because Out.kr() needs a control rate signal.
>>>>> Is there any possibility to this or some workaround how can I use FFT
>>>>> data for synths modulation?

     fredrikolofsson.com     musicalfieldsforever.com

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