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Re: [sc-users] How to send magnitude data from FFT to buffer to client?

Since fft uses a buffer, you can use loadToFloatArray:

b.loadToFloatArray(action:{|array| a = array})

Is this from FFT or PV_RecordBuf?


> On Jun 4, 2021, at 4:22 PM, lambda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hello!
> I want to use magnitudes and phases data I got after using FFT on microphone input to modulate synth instances.
> At first, I want to sort FFT bins by magnitude power, take first N
> bins, normalize data, and then send it to N * 2 Busses (N for magnitudes and N for phases) these Busses I want to use for modulating synths with .asMap() method.
> I tried to write this data to control rate Bus inside .pvcollect,
> but it is not possible because Out.kr() needs a control rate signal.
> Is there any possibility to this or some workaround how can I use FFT
> data for synths modulation?
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