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Re: [sc-users] Pbind question
One easy solution would be to send the notes to a synth that uses Lag.ar
or VarLag.ar on its frequency argument, and use Pmono instead of Pbind.
Pmono ensures that the same running synth is updated as opposed to
creating a new synth for every new note.
Then you don't need to do anything special to have a glissando.
Very simple example:
var player;
SynthDef(\gliss, {
var freq = \freq.ar(440);
var amp = \amp.kr(0.1);
var out = \out.kr(0);
var lagTime = \lagTime.kr(1);
Out.ar(out, amp*LFSaw.ar(Lag.ar(in:freq, lagTime:lagTime))!2);
player = Pmono(
\out, 0,
\midinote, Pseq([60, 67, 72, 65, 63], inf),
\dur, Pseq([1, 1, 1, 0.5, 0.5], inf),
\lagTime, Pseq([1.9, 0.9, 1.9, 0.3, 0.1], inf),
\amp, 0.05
On 6/3/21 8:51 PM, paulineugalde@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hey everyone,
I was wondering how I'd make a smooth upward or downward slide from
one note to another. I'm using Pseries right now, but even with a
large legato value and small step value, it sounds choppy. I hear
notes like this in 8-bit music a lot, so I know the end result, but
don't know how to replicate it.
Thanks in advance.
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