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Re: [sc-users] VSTPlugin and VST instruments

Good answer! The only thing I would add is that you can get the MIDIProxy directly from the PluginController.

Instead of creating a 'c'...

> c = VSTPluginMIDIProxy(b);

...you can just use b.midi directly.


On Thu., Jun. 3, 2021, 02:17 <jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 2, 2021 at 3:28 PM <sfogar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I think I should use Voicer but at the moment I don't know if it's possible to use it with VST instruments and VSTPlugin.

I don't think Voicer is necessary for this.

Most VST plug-ins handle their own voice stealing -- every one that
I've ever looked at has a "polyphony" or "voices" parameter. So the
easiest way to handle voice stealing is to set the plug-in

The original question was about playing a note in a VST plug-in for a
specific duration (where the duration is known in advance).

Events already automatically do this.

You didn't want to use patterns, but there is no requirement to use
patterns in order to use events. You can build the event yourself and
play it.

SynthDef(\vst, { arg out;
    Out.ar(out, VSTPlugin.ar(numOut: 2));

a = Synth(\vst);
b = VSTPluginController(a);

b.open("Vital.vst3", editor: true);

// here:
(type: \vst_midi, vst: b, midinote: 64, amp: 100/127, sustain: 3).play;

^^ So, in the last one, it is sustaining the note for three beats --
the release is handled for you -- and no patterns were used.

(The VSTPluginController help file does say "VSTPlugin defines two
custom Event types which can be used in Pbind"... This is true as
stated, but if you misread it slightly, you might think that the event
types may *only* be used in Pbind. That inference is not correct.
Events are independent of patterns. They are commonly used with
patterns, but there was never any requirement that events must be
generated by patterns.)

If you really strongly object to using events, you can schedule the
release yourself:

c = VSTPluginMIDIProxy(b);

c.noteOn(0, 64, 100);
thisThread.clock.sched(3, { c.noteOff(0, 64) });


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