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[sc-users] PV_BinPeakEQ/miSC_getFFTbufSizes error
Hi all -
I recently updated SuperCollider and I'm finding that the code I was
using for PV_BinPeakEQ uGen no longer works correctly.
I get this error message: ^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR:
Message 'miSC_getFFTbufSizes' not understood.
RECEIVER: a LocalBuf
With the following code:
SynthDef(\threeBandFFTEQ, { |out = 0, in, amp = 1, mix = 1,
band1 = #[200, 500], band2 = #[1200, 1700], band3 = #[3200, 5000],
dbs = #[0, 0, 0]|
var inSig = In.ar(in, 1), sig;
var loBin1, hiBin1, loBin2, hiBin2, loBin3, hiBin3, binRange;
var bufSize = 1024;
var chain = FFT(LocalBuf(bufSize), inSig);
binRange = s.sampleRate / bufSize;
loBin1 = (band1[0] / binRange);
hiBin1 = (band1[1] / binRange);
loBin2 = (band2[0] / binRange);
hiBin2 = (band2[1] / binRange);
loBin3 = (band3[0] / binRange);
hiBin3 = (band3[1] / binRange);
chain = PV_BinPeakEQ(chain, loBin1, hiBin1, dbs[0]);
chain = PV_BinPeakEQ(chain, loBin2, hiBin2, dbs[1]);
chain = PV_BinPeakEQ(chain, loBin3, hiBin3, dbs[2]);
XOut.ar(out, mix, IFFT(chain) ! 2);
Has anyone else run into this?
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