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Re: [sc-users] Allocating new Buffers in a Score
Sorry to piggyback on this question but I just ran up into a similar
issue in establishing groups and group order on the same score. I
set a default group via "basicNew" to the NRT server, like this:
defaultGroup1 = Group.basicNew(server);
defaultGroup2 = Group.basicNew(server);
My understanding is that this is essentially just "allocation" also,
at this point - it doesn't actually get loaded onto the server until
there is a different message in the score. However, I can't quite
figure out how to format the message in the score..
Something like this doesn't work:
n.add([0.01, [\g_new, defaultGroup1.addToHeadMsg]]);
n.add([0.01, [\g_new, defaultGroup2.addToTailMsg]]);
I have been searching around for a solution, but I'm unclear how this
message should look.
Thank you for your help.
On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 2:50 AM <jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 11:36 AM <geoffbaltan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > I am noticing with both of the possible solutions you gave, though, I
> > am drawing an 'asInteger' not understood" error and I have absolutely
> > no idea why. Full code and full error message reprinted below..
> Ah, there's one oops in my code: You need to supply numFrames and
> numChannels yourself: Buffer(server, 1024, 1).
> hjh
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