Hi there, trying to get the typical bassdrum envelope
basically using a square impulse inside a decay release variable to archive the strong dynamic shape
I got great result using Dacay since it give the controll on the attack and give me exact the result i need.
But.. but if the Decay2 also Dacay are triggered too near each others the amplitude of the next envelepe increase.
How can i stop this wrong beahviour? i need all the shapes at the sampe amplitude,
Which isntrument can i use to get the same result but without amp increase when it is near other shapes triggered?
Thanks a lot
var dec = 0.250;
var rot = 48;
var clk = Impulse.ar(rot/8);
var seq = Demand.ar(clk,0,Dseq([1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1],inf));
var imp = clk*seq;
//var env = Decay2.ar(imp, 0.001 , ( seq + dec * 0.01).clip(4) ) ;
var env = Decay2.ar(imp, 0.001 , seq*4+0.5) ;
}.plot(4)) |