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Re: [sc-users] ATK: HOAbinaural in NRT?

I could hardcode the expansion of HOABinaural.loadbinauralIRs etc. used
in the classfile - with the usual adaptions for uploading buffers to a
NRT server.  Or perhaps copy enough of the classfile to adapt to plug
into ascore.

But perhaps there's a more general/straightforward approach?
Ie. getting the expansion as underlying server messages - ie. a
trace/debug thing or similar - to store in a variable or print?

>>>>> 23 May 2021 - j = jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx:

    >> HOADecLebedev26.loadHrirFilters(s); // load the HRIR filters
    >> first

    j> That's loading into a real-time server instance, isn't it?

    j> It looks like this recipe is producing the HOA-encoded format by
    j> NRT, but then decoding in RT... the question was about using the
    j> IRs in an NRT server.

indeed, it seems that's where that example leaves us

    j> *Maybe* aServer.makeBundle() would get access to the commands but
    j> I can't test now.

i did try adding some variants of that to my score, but wo.luck:

  	hoaLoadBundle = myserver.makeBundle(nil, {
        hoaLoadBundle = myserver.makeBundle(nil, {

perhaps there's something i missed there?

thanks for any suggestions


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