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[sc-users] Allocating new Buffers in a Score

Hi all -

I'm currently trying to create bunch of Chebyshev-filled buffers for
use in a Score. I've established the values elsewhere as an
environmental variable and I'm using the following to load up the
buffers and add them in the Score:
n.add([0.1, [\b_alloc, ~bufs = Array.fill(20, {|i| Buffer.alloc(s,
1024, 1, { |buf| buf.chebyMsg(~chebs[i])})})]]);

I'm suspicious that this is causing a problem, but I can't quite prove
it (something about the multiple "allocs", maybe) . As for this
question, I was simply hoping that someone could point out whether
this is the right way of creating a bunch of buffers in a Score.


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