here's some help with the Routine syntax...
a= (0..20).plot;
a.editMode= true;
r= Routine({{a.value.postln; 0.1.wait}}).play(AppClock);
but also check out EnvelopeView and MultiSliderView.
n= 100;
w= Window("", Rect(100, 100, 500, 250)).front;
a= {|i| sin(i*0.1)%1}!n;
EnvelopeView(w, Rect(0, 0, 450, 200))
.action_({arg b; [b.index, b.value].postln})
.value_([(0..n-1).normalize, a]);
n= 100;
w= Window("", Rect(100, 100, 500, 250)).front;
m= MultiSliderView(w, Rect(10, 10, 450, 200));
m.elasticMode= 1;
m.valueThumbSize= 5;
m.value=Array.fill(n, {|v| sin(v*0.1)%1});
m.action= "" b; b.value.postln};
> 13 dec. 2019 kl. 00:42 skrev klipklipklapklap@xxxxxxxxx:
> Here is a follow up question: Once I have edited the data in the plotter, how can I access it?
> I want to use the array as a kind of step sequencer, so I want to read through it at a regular interval. I have tried Routine but got stuck with the syntax and was wondering if there is a more convenient way that I overlooked?
> Thank you again for your help
> Am Do., 12. Dez. 2019 um 17:33 Uhr schrieb klip klap <klipklipklapklap@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Thank you.
> I knew plot, but didn't realize it can be used to edit the data, this is the detail from the help files I was missing:
> "Hitting the E-key on the keyboard when the window is focussed toggles the lock, and the window can be used to edit the data."
> Am Do., 12. Dez. 2019 um 16:51 Uhr schrieb <grahams@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> [1,2,3,4, 2,1,9].plot
> is that what you mean?
> On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 4:44 PM <klipklipklapklap@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a GUI object for plotting and "drawing" an array, like one can do in Pure Data? Something like EnvelopeView, but for arrays, if that makes sense.
> Thanks,
> Max
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