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Re: [sc-users] Problem in Demand/Dwhite?
On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 10:49 AM <walters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Following up, though, I think that in this example the initial value issue is in Demand, not Impulse. That's what .reciprocal is called on, and looking at Demand_ctor I see this:
> std::fill_n(unit->m_prevout, unit->mNumOutputs, 0.f);
> This may be an example of why this problem can't be fixed in the general case, because unless I'm missing something, Demand has no way of knowing at construction time what its first output value will be. Zero is the obvious placeholder in that situation.
If Impulse's pre-sample is 1, then Demand's pre-sample could come from
the demand UGens and not be just 0. (Maybe it wouldn't currently, but
that could be changed... provided that Impulse triggers the
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