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Re: [sc-users] File Player using SoundFileView

On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 1:56 AM <rael.gimenes@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The phase warning in BufRd help will be really a problem with larger audio Files? I'm using more than 15 minutes long files.

Yes, so VDiskIn would be better for you.

> I'm experiencing a lot of XRUN with BufRd that doesn't occur for me in much more complex codes!

I'm going to guess that this is because of something different from
BufRd. BufRd is a very CPU efficient UGen.

> And (Sorry!!!), the last one. To setup the audio stream with actual (clicked) position of SoundFileView.timeCursorPostion the Phasor, startpoint argument is a ir or a Dynamic argument? In my tests, this argument seems to be a static argument.

I'm not sure I'm completely understanding the question, but in
general, the starting playback position matters only at the moment
when you're beginning to play, and you shouldn't keep polling it after


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