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[sc-users] Problem in Demand/Dwhite?

The Demand/Dwhite combo seems to output 0 throughout the first buffer even if triggered at audio rate on the first sample with 0 out of range. That's not correct behavior, is it?

	var d = Demand.ar(Impulse.ar(1), 0, Dwhite(4, 8));
	var sig = RLPF.ar(Saw.ar(55), 880, d.reciprocal);
	Silent.ar // don't route NaN to speaker

Output in post window:

CheckBadValues: NaN found in Synth 1003, ID 0
CheckBadValues: normal found in Synth 1003, ID 0 (previous 65 values were NaN)

OS X 10.14.5
SC 3.10.0 built from a3b8ac73

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