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Re: [sc-users] New film featuring sc-artists

Dear Alberto, dear all,

as I've already had the pleasure to see the movie, I can only give a
warm recommendation to go and watch it when it comes to a cinema close
to you! I really, really enjoyed it from the beginning to the end, an
excursion into a field of odd, yet exciting electronic experimentation,
nicely so staged by Johana Ozvold.

Thank you, Alberto!

Cheers! Stefan

Am 03.12.19 um 12:34 schrieb alberto.decampo@xxxxxxxxx:
> Dear all,
> a bit of indirect self-promotion, but hopefully of interest here - 
> The brand new film The Sound is innocent <https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10340522/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt> by Johana & Martin Ozvold features three sc regulars as protagonists, namely Julian Rohrhuber, Hannes Hoelzl, and Alberto de Campo. It narrates a very subjective history of electronic music via interviews, which are remediated through highly imaginative stagings shot in a spectacular media-historical location. 
> lynx: 
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ByJSwD4j43A
> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10340522/?ref_=ttpl_pl_tt
> best adc 

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