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Re: [sc-users] Similarity Clumping
Am 02.12.2019 um 01:49 schrieb daniel-mayer@xxxxxxxx:
> What about this ?
> ~myClump = { |array, thr = 0.1|
> var a = array.copy.sort, colcol, col;
> a.do { |x, i|
> ((i > 0) and: { x - col[0] > thr }).if {
> colcol = colcol.add(col);
> col = [x]
> }{
> col = col.add(x)
> };
> (a.size - 1 == i).if { colcol = colcol.add(col) }
> };
> colcol
> }
Or a bit condensed - anyway the logic needs to differentiate some cases
~myClump = { |array, thr = 0.1|
var a = array.copy.sort, colcol, col;
a.do { |x, i|
((i > 0) and: { x - col[0] > thr }).if { colcol = colcol.add(col); col = nil };
col = col.add(x);
(a.size - 1 == i).if { colcol = colcol.add(col) }
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