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Re: [sc-users] Re: [win10] Server failed to boot, no interesting messages


So if there is an exit code then the program quit gracefully I assume ?

Looking at source code there doesn't seem to be many places where exit is used:

./SC_CoreAudio.cpp:1966:		//printf("exit input with no data \n");
./SC_CoreAudio.cpp:1988:		//printf("exit output with no data \n");
./scsynth_main.cpp:56:		"   -v print the supercollider version and exit\n"
./scsynth_main.cpp:120:	exit(1);
./scsynth_main.cpp:239:				exit(0);
./scsynth_main.cpp:294:				exit(0);
./scsynth_main.cpp:340:		int exitCode = 0;
./scsynth_main.cpp:345:			exitCode = 1;
./scsynth_main.cpp:347:		return exitCode;

It might be usefull to debug the program at the point of exit to check where and why it is exiting. Quick google it can be done with gdb: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10978496/how-to-use-gdb-to-catch-exit-of-a-program?rq=1

To get gdb onto the windows machine one way is to istall msys2 and then install mingw toolchain (mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain). It's actually not too painfull, check https://github.com/orlp/dev-on-windows/wiki/Installing-GCC--&-MSYS2.

Not sure if packaged scsynth is built with debug symbols...

Also, when it fails in the IDE, check what output you get when you start the server manually in the command line.


Às 15:17 de 06/05/19, jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx escreveu:
On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 8:05 AM James Harkins <jamshark70@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Yesterday, one of them could not boot the server.

- Kill All Servers made no difference.
- Rebooting the machine made no difference.

I don't have the exact output in front of me (I'll try to get to
today), but I'm pretty sure there was nothing -- just "Booting server
'localhost' on address" and then "Server failed to
start" or such. No list of audio devices, nothing about loading
plug-ins. Either the server process isn't launching at all, or it goes
down very early.


- The problem is sporadic. Today, he could boot the server at around
3pm, but 90 minutes later, he couldn't.

- "Server 'localhost' exited with exit code 1"

- When 'localhost' is unable to boot, Server.internal still works.

Still no idea what to do about it.


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Miguel Negrão

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