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Re: [sc-users] A method.chaining idiom for livecoding?
It works for me.
Did you recompile the class library after saving?
Here an example with Pshuf as this is a case where the consequence can easily be checked.
+ ArrayedCollection {
pshuf {|repeats=inf|
^Pshuf(this, repeats);
+ Pattern {
plazy {
^Plazy({ this });
Pbindef(\a, \note, [0, 3, 5, 7].pshuf(1).plazy.repeat, \dur, 0.15).play
// compare
Pbindef(\a, \note, [0, 3, 5, 7].pshuf(2).plazy.repeat, \dur, 0.15).play
With Plazy though subtleties come into play, in the above case wrapping into a Function makes sense, but still you'd want the option to use Plazy with a Function, so an additional implementation for Functions would be needed:
+ Function {
plazy {
By the way this can still be shortened by defining a Pshufn (I included one) or pshufn
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