If you're using scsynth, you can switch to supernova and ParGroups and go from one CPU core to (theoretically) as many as your computer has.
> El 27 dic 2018, a las 3:26 PM, f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx escribió:
> tricky. the only quick-fix i can think of is to borrow a faster machine. increasing your blocksize should reduce cpu but risk changing the sound.
> is there no way you can mute (comment out) independent sections / layers / synths of the piece to free up some cpu and record them separately? then sync and mix the files in an audio editor.
> or mute some cpu intensive effects and record the synths / patterns into a [multi-channel] soundfile. then record the effects with a simple playbuf playing back the first recording.
> also consider posting your code here (or parts of it) and we can help you optimise.
> _f
>> 27 dec. 2018 kl. 14:38 skrev the_time@xxxxxx:
>> hello
>> im recording an project right now and one of my "tracks" overloads ther server (the green little server thingy shows: more the 100%) which then makes the sound cut in out but i played those tracks before even live and often there was no issues. i looked into server options but nothing seem to really have helped. i really don't wanna change anything at the code since that would change sound etc.
>> tl;dr: is there a way to increase "server power"
>> (sry i'm not so good with server of supercollider/sc in general, so sorry if i worded it badly)
>> nic
>> --
>> ɧ.
> #|
> fredrikolofsson.com musicalfieldsforever.com
> |#
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