Hi, I'm not sure which platform you are on, so can't tell you how to set Jack to have more channels. It should be possible with the available GUI's for Jack on all platforms, or via arguments on the jack startup via commandline. Also, my experience with Jack is that it can be slow with connecting to channels, and sometimes misses them when connecting too fast. You could try putting the unixCmds in a Routine with some time in between each command. However, I'm wondering why you want to let Jack do the downmixing? It should be quite easy to do it from within SC. You could make a SynthDef that does the mixdown, and start it after the recording has started with target: RootNode(s) and addAction: \addToTail. Or, alternatively, create your own DiskOut based recording SynthDef that does a mixdown at the same time. cheers, Wouter