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Re: [sc-users] decrease "server overloads" without changing the sounds

If you're using scsynth, you can switch to supernova and ParGroups and go from one CPU core to (theoretically) as many as your computer has.


> El 27 dic 2018, a las 3:26 PM, f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx escribió:
> tricky.  the only quick-fix i can think of is to borrow a faster machine.  increasing your blocksize should reduce cpu but risk changing the sound.
> is there no way you can mute (comment out) independent sections / layers / synths of the piece to free up some cpu and record them separately?  then sync and mix the files in an audio editor.
> or mute some cpu intensive effects and record the synths / patterns into a [multi-channel] soundfile.  then record the effects with a simple playbuf playing back the first recording.
> also consider posting your code here (or parts of it) and we can help you optimise.
> _f
>> 27 dec. 2018 kl. 14:38 skrev the_time@xxxxxx:
>> hello
>> im recording an project right now and one of my "tracks" overloads ther server (the green little server thingy shows: more the 100%) which then makes the sound cut in out but i played those tracks before even live and often there was no issues. i looked into server options but nothing seem to really have helped. i really don't wanna change anything at the code since that would change sound etc.
>> tl;dr: is there a way to increase "server power"
>> (sry i'm not so good with server of supercollider/sc in general, so sorry if i worded it badly)
>> nic
>> -- 
>> ɧ.
>  #|
>     fredrikolofsson.com     musicalfieldsforever.com
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