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Re: [sc-users] Parsing and re-writing an SCD file (novelty idea)

Hey Geoff,

It's absolutely possible. I'm working on a pretty ambitious live rewriting system right now myself. :-)

As has been said before, all scd files are just text files. And SC has plenty of string manipulation options. Here's one way you might do it.

a = 2;
b = 3;
c = a + b + 20;

var str, matches;
str = Document.current.string;

// Do your text parsing on str here
matches = str.findRegexp("[0-9]+");
matches.do {|match|
    var idx = match[0], val = match[1];
    str = str[0..(idx-1)] ++ (val.asInt + 1) ++ str[(idx+val.size)..];

Document.current.string_(str, rangesize: str.size);



On 24/09/2018 06:28, geoffbaltan@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
"I'm curious about what you're trying to do.

There are a million ways to randomize numbers, what it's your goal here?"

Long-term, I'm interested in the idea of using SuperCollider code to
"write itself" - to see if it can look at its own code, and then pick
out and classify parts of itself.
In the short-term, I was thinking it would be nice to go back over
bits of code I've written over the years and transform it quickly,
without rewriting it.

On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 1:12 AM,  <dpalkowski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Sounds like the idea is to do something like the good old Galaxy Editor
Librarian (Opcode) from yesteryear. With that you could generate a 'factory'
of thousands of variants on a given patch.  Of course, it only works well if
the device being cloned/modified has a consistent structure, e.g. innards of
a dx-7

On Sat, Sep 22, 2018 at 9:13 PM <grahams@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I'm curious about what you're trying to do.

There are a million ways to randomize numbers, what it's your goal here?

On Sat, Sep 22, 2018, 18:44 <sludgefree@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Ever since switching to OSX, when experimenting I always add a .softclip
to ensure outputs do not blow out my ears or speakers a la:

Out.ar(0, audio.softclip);

But for your purposes, I would add a method to Float like scramble(),
which will return a random number so you could decide which numbers get
scrambled and which don't (ie output buses shouldn't be scrambled).

var audio = SinOsc.ar(440.0.scramble);
Out.ar(0, audio.softclip);

and then maybe in yr extensions folder, extend the Float class like:

+ Float {
  scramble {
    ^ 1000.0.rand2;

You could even get fancy and scramble within a range of the original

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 7:01 PM <josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Well - this could be quite dangerous. Imagine a filter parameter getting
changed to something that causes it to blow up and destroy your hearing?

Otherwise, at the SynthDef level, all inputs are numbers. But they don’t
require a number to go into it. Detecting what should be a number and what
isn’t would be pretty difficult (especially since SC isn’t strongly typed).

s = Server.default; // s is a Server instance
s = 10.0; // s is a Float
s = ‘aString’; // s is a String
s = \aSymbol; // etc. …
s = s + 10; // valid, but doesn’t result in a number!

{BPF.ar(WhiteNoise.ar(1.0), s}.play; // s won’t be a good filter

At one point, s was a number, but it isn’t any longer… it could be
possible to build a parser that finds numbers and replaces them, but what
would be more idiomatic would be storing the result of random selection to
variables, seeding the random number generator in the language, then
changing the seed for new variations. This way, you can build in some
reasonable limits to your numbers.

The attached file is updated to use a seed passed in… and you can test
with this example:

this.executeFile("~/Desktop/test.scd".standardizePath).value(1); // same
this.executeFile("~/Desktop/test.scd".standardizePath).value(1); // same
this.executeFile("~/Desktop/test.scd".standardizePath).value(2); // new

On Sep 21, 2018, at 3:14 PM, geoffbaltan@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

Oh, I'm sorry -  I think I was being unclear: I was just imagining,
instead of identifying and labelling hundreds of arguments, it would
be interesting if there was some sort of parsing that could just tell
when numerical data was in the text file and replace it with different

On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 5:36 PM,  <josh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
SCD files are just text files. And there are even functions in the
File class for reading the string in a text file.

However - Interpreter can also execute a file, which will read the
file at a path and pass in arguments. So, if the file you have is wrapped as
a function, you can pass in new numbers as arguments and have the Function

So - if you put the attached file on your Desktop, you can run it
like this:



Or - a better route may be passing in a Dictionary of key / value
pairs that your file interprets as needed.

Hope that helps.


On Sep 21, 2018, at 2:11 PM, geoffbaltan@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

Recently, I was thinking it would be nice to change all of the fixed
numerical values in an SCD file. Maybe just specify a random range
values and re-parse the document.
Is such a thing possible within SuperCollider, or would that be more
functional in the purview of something like _javascript_?

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JC Reus

WEB: jonathanreus.com