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Re: [sc-users] Simple Division?

Here are SC implementations for the integer partitioning algorithms in: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/9613/c1666b5e48a5035141c8927ade99a9de450e.pdf

The first algorithm, named ZS1, generates partitions in anti-lexicographic order while the second, named ZS2, uses lexicographic order.

/* ======= */
/* = ZS1 = */
/* ======= */


~zs1 ={|n, min=2, max=9|
var x, m, h, r, t, ret;
for(0,n,{|i| x[i] = 1});

ret = List[];

while({x[1] != 1}, {
if(x[h] == 2) {
m = m+1;
x[h] = 1;
h = h-1;
} {
r = x[h]-1;
x[h] = r;

while({t >= r}, {

h = h+1;
t = t-r;


if(t==0) {
} {
if(t>1) {
x[h] = t;





/* ======= */
/* = ZS2 = */
/* ======= */
~zs2 = {|argN, argMax|
var n; // The integer to partition
var x; // An array to store each new partition in;
var h; // The index of the last part of partition that is > 1
var m; // The number of parts in a partition
var j; // The index of the next part to be increased
var r; // A variable used to calculate the next m

var ret; // A list to store all partitions in, methods returns this;
var max; // The maximum value of any part (e.g. partion of 5 with a max of 3 can return [3,1,1] but not [4,1] or [5])

n = argN;
ret = List[];
if(argMax==nil) {
max = n;
} {
max = argMax;

//Fill the array with n *1
x = Array.fill(n, 1);
//Add the array as it forms the first partition
//Alter x by setting the second element[1] to 2 and returning the subarray x[1..n]
x[1] = 2;
h = 1;
m = n-1;

//Generate further partitions
while({x[1] != max},
if( (m-h) > 1) {
h = h+1;
x[h] = 2;
m = (m-1);
} {
j = (m-2);

while({x[j] == x[m-1]},
x[j] = 1;
j = (j-1);
h = (j+1);
x[h] = (x[m-1] +1);
r = (x[m] + ((x[m-1])*(m-h-1)));

x[m] = 1;

if( (m-h) > 1 ) {
x[m-1] = 1
m = (h + (r-1));


On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 20:49, <daniel-mayer@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

Am 27.11.2018 um 14:03 schrieb marigoldmaripol@xxxxxxxxx:

> Hey All -
> I'd like to take a starting number - let's say "5", and break it up
> into an array of smaller numbers that sums to the starting number. I'd
> like to be able to specify the size of the array and the min/max of
> the numbers used. Can anyone suggest a tactic for doing this?

See method 'enum' from the miSCellaneous_lib quark, integer partitions (as this is called) is one possible application.

What you describe is contained in the second part of Ex.3 of its help file.

> Also, if I potentially wanted to increase the probability of
> "similarity" in the array (same numbers recurring more regularly) -
> would that be hard to do?

You can define a search with your priorities from the list of solutions.




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