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Re: [sc-users] Real-Time Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis in Supercollider
On 22.12.18 11:34, g.roma.lists@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi Marcello. I have to say that is not actually a replacement for
> corpus-based concatenative synthesis programs at all.
true, but it does still go in that direction.
> It was mainly an experiment trying to mimic what you can do with the
> Freesound quark (content-based similarity search) but with your own
> sounds. It involves using Essentia and Gaia, which arte C++ with python
> bindings, the best way to install those is using docker
> (https://www.docker.com/).
great, i will try to install the whole thing.
> That being said, you are right, the actual SC file was missing! This has
> been fixed.
> At this point, however I would rather recommend using the KDTree quark
> for similarty search. Essentia outputs descriptors in YAML, which is
> easily parsed with parseYAML. So that would still require getting or
> compiling an Essentia extractor program or using some other means to
> produce descriptors (there are actually quite a few UGens that you could
> use, such as MFCC).
yes, i also considered that, I was only hoping that there was already a
project doing that in some ways.
> Or, if you have time, as PA says just wait and watch this space :)
yes, i will in any case ;)
thanks and best regards,
> ...
> gerard
> Missatge de l'adreça <tremblap@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:tremblap@xxxxxxxxx>>
> del dia ds., 22 de des. 2018 a les 11:00:
> Dear all
> I’ve just been chastised by my colleague who is the real programmer
> and scientist of the team: the link below is research code, a.k.a.
> not road-ready but linked to a proof-of-concept paper. It is a
> little brittle and might need some work to get working - but it was
> soooooo fun to use!
> What Sam Pluta was telling you about is that we are preparing for
> the SuperCollider (and Max and potentially Pd) communities is a much
> more creative-coding access to similar tools, including knowledge
> transfer on how to use (and abuse) them. This is the basis of the
> Fluid Corpus Manipulation project (flucoma.org
> <http://flucoma.org> = I know, ugly acronym) and we want to share
> once we are really ready for creative coding within the environment.
> Sam is part of the alpha testing team.
> Stay tuned, and try the code below at your own risk - and please do
> not hate me for posting non-road-ready code !
> p
>> On 22 Dec 2018, at 10:38, wallace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>> <mailto:wallace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 22.12.18 01:18, tremblap@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:tremblap@xxxxxxxxx>
>> wrote:
>>> I was resisting ;-)
>>> We have some stuff available for the daring soul here, which is an
>>> interesting hybrid using SC and Python, nut not for the beginner:
>>> https://github.com/flucoma/FluidSound
>>> More stuff, more idiomatic to SC, is coming out this summer, but
>>> we will
>>> need a few more beta testers - we’ll make a call here I reckon.
>> this looks indeed great, i'd love to be part of the testers :)
>> I tried to install it already, but I think some files are missing
>> (docker and FluidSound.sc).
>> thanks!
>> Marcello
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