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Re: [sc-users] Real-Time Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis in Supercollider


I found the code! It was an email from Nick Nilson in 12/03/2013.
The code need to be update. Don’t have time to do it now but maybe next week. In the meantime if anyone wants to do it…

All the best,


{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Monaco;}

\f0\fs18 \cf2 p = \cf3 PathName\cf2 (\cf4 "/sounds/gran torso.aiff"\cf2 )\
~load = \{\cf3 |path,auto_segment=true|\cf2 \
	\cf3 var\cf2  name,event=(),buffer,analysis,frames,beatdata,segments,pathName,parent_folder;\
		pathName = \cf3 PathName\cf2 (path);\
		parent_folder = pathName.pathOnly;\
		name = pathName.fileNameWithoutExtension.split($ ).collect(\{\cf3 |x|\cf2 x\}).join;\
		event.name = name;\
		\cf4 "Loading Buffer"\cf2 .postln;\
		buffer = \cf3 Buffer\cf2 .readChannel(s,path,channels:[0]);\
		event.buf = buffer;\
		\cf4 "Buffer read"\cf2 .postln;\
		if ((parent_folder++\cf4 "*"\cf2 ).pathMatch.find([parent_folder++pathName.fileNameWithoutExtension++\cf4 ".scmirZ"\cf2 ]).notNil) \{\
				\cf4 "Found Analysis File...loading"\cf2 .postln;\
				analysis = \cf3 SCMIRAudioFile\cf2 .newFromZ(path);\
			\} \{\
				\cf4 "New file...beginning analysis"\cf2 .postln;\
				analysis = \cf3 SCMIRAudioFile\cf2 (path, [[\cf3 MFCC\cf2 ,4],[\cf3 SensoryDissonance\cf2 ],[\cf3 Loudness\cf2 ]]);				\
				analysis.extractFeatures(); \
				\cf4 "File Saved"\cf2 .postln		\
		event.analysis = analysis;\
		if (auto_segment) \{\
				\cf5 //automatic segmentation\cf2 \
				event.beatdata = analysis.beatdata;\
				analysis.gatherFeaturesBySegments(event.beatdata, \cf3 true\cf2 ); \
				n = analysis.numfeatures;\
				event.frames = analysis.featuredata.clump(n);\
				event.segments = \cf3 nil\cf2 ;			\
		\} \{\
				\cf5 //blind segmentation\cf2 \
				event.segments = (0,0.125..analysis.duration);\
				analysis.gatherFeaturesBySegments(event.segments, \cf3 true\cf2 ); \
				n = analysis.numfeatures;\
				event.frames = analysis.featuredata.clump(n);	\
		\cf4 "Processing Finished...analysis ready for use."\cf2 .postln;\
\cf2 	\cf3 SynthDef\cf2 (\cf6 \\grains\cf2 ,\{\cf3 |out,buf,pos,dur,rate,gate=1,pch=1,amp=1|\cf2 \
		\cf3 var\cf2  son,trig;\
		trig = \cf3 Dust\cf2 .ar(rate);\
		son = \cf3 TGrains\cf2 .ar(2,trig,buf,pch,pos,dur);\
		\cf3 Out\cf2 .ar(out,son*\cf3 Env\cf2 .asr.kr(2,gate))\
\cf2 	event\
~data = ~load.(\cf4 "/sounds/gran torso.aiff"\cf2 ,\cf3 false\cf2 )\
\cf5 //-requires KDTree quark\cf2 \
\cf5 //Quarks.install("KDTree")\cf2 \
\cf5 //!main\cf2 \
\cf3 var\cf2  w,but,f,width,isPlaying=\{\cf3 false\cf2 \}!x.size,osc,height;\
\cf3 var\cf2  plot;\
plot = \{\cf3 |w,buf,frames,segments,beatdata|\cf2 \
	\cf3 var\cf2  radius=\{\cf3 nil\cf2 \}!frames.size,points=\cf3 List\cf2 (),check_mouse,draw_tuio=\cf3 true\cf2 ;\
	\cf3 var\cf2  kdtree,grains;\
	\cf3 var\cf2  map_patterns=\cf3 List\cf2 (),view;\
	grains = \cf3 Synth\cf2 (\cf6 \\grains\cf2 ,[\cf6 \\buf\cf2 ,buf,\cf6 \\dur\cf2 ,2,\cf6 \\rate\cf2 ,35,\cf6 \\pos\cf2 ,0,\cf6 \\amp\cf2 ,0]);\
	width = w.bounds.width;\
	height = w.bounds.height;\
	frames.do\{\cf3 |vector,index|\cf2 \
		radius[index] = (15*vector[4].linexp(0,1,0.8,2))*vector.last.linexp(0,1,0.285,1.0);\
		points.add([\cf3 Rect\cf2 ((vector[0]+vector[4]*1.25)*(width*vector[0]),((vector[1]).linlin(0,1,0.001,1.0)*height)+50,radius[index],radius[index]).center,index]);\
	view = \cf3 SCUserView\cf2 (w,w.view.bounds)\
		.mouseMoveAction_(\{\cf3 |v,x,y|\cf2 check_mouse.(x,y)\})\
		.mouseDownAction_(\{\cf3 |v,x,y|\cf2 check_mouse.(x,y)\})\
		.background_(\cf3 Color\cf2 .clear)\
			\cf3 var\cf2  center;\
			frames.do\{\cf3 |vector,index|\cf2 \
				\cf3 Pen\cf2 .fillColor = \cf3 Color\cf2 .new(*vector[0..3]);\
				\cf3 Pen\cf2 .smoothing_(\cf3 true\cf2 );\
				center = \cf3 Rect\cf2 ((vector[0]+vector[4]*1.25)*(width*vector[0]),((vector[1]).linlin(0,1,0.001,1.0)*height)+50,radius[index],radius[index]).center;\
				\cf3 Pen\cf2 .addArc(center,radius[index]*0.5,pi,2pi);\
				\cf3 Pen\cf2 .fill;\
			\};	\
	kdtree = \cf3 KDTree\cf2 (points.collect(\{\cf3 |array,i|\cf2 array[0].asArray++i.asSymbol\}),lastIsLabel:\cf3 true\cf2 );\
	check_mouse = \{\cf3 |x,y|\cf2 \
		\cf3 var\cf2  p = \cf3 Point\cf2 (x,y),index,nearest,dist;\
		nearest = kdtree.nearest([x,y])[0];\
		index = nearest.label.asInteger;\
		nearest = nearest.location.asPoint;\
		dist = nearest.dist(p);\
		if (dist <= (radius[index]*1)) \{\
				grains.set(\cf6 \\amp\cf2 ,1);\
\cf2 				if (segments==\cf3 nil\cf2 ) \{\
					grains.set(\cf6 \\pos\cf2 ,beatdata[index+rrand(-2,2)])\
				\} \{\
					grains.set(\cf6 \\pos\cf2 ,segments[index+rrand(-2,2)])\
\cf2 	w.onClose_(\{grains.release\});\
w = \cf3 SCWindow\cf2 (\cf4 "Scatter"\cf2 ,\cf3 Rect\cf2 (250,250,800,500)).front;\
w.view.background_(\cf3 Color\cf2 .black);\

Le 22 déc. 2018 à 11:34, g.roma.lists@xxxxxxxxx a écrit :

Hi Marcello. I have to say that is not actually a replacement for corpus-based concatenative synthesis programs at all.
It was mainly an experiment trying to mimic what you can do with the Freesound quark (content-based similarity search) but with your own sounds. It involves using Essentia and Gaia, which arte C++ with python bindings, the best way to install those is using docker (https://www.docker.com/).
That being said, you are right, the actual SC file was missing! This has been fixed.
At this point, however I would rather recommend using the KDTree quark for similarty search. Essentia outputs descriptors in YAML, which is easily parsed with parseYAML. So that would still require getting or compiling an Essentia extractor program or using some other means to produce descriptors (there are actually quite a few UGens that you could use, such as MFCC).

Or, if you have time, as PA says just wait and watch this space :)



Missatge de l'adreça <tremblap@xxxxxxxxx> del dia ds., 22 de des. 2018 a les 11:00:
Dear all

I’ve just been chastised by my colleague who is the real programmer and scientist of the team: the link below is research code, a.k.a. not road-ready but linked to a proof-of-concept paper. It is a little brittle and might need some work to get working - but it was soooooo fun to use!

What Sam Pluta was telling you about is that we are preparing for the SuperCollider (and Max and potentially Pd) communities is a much more creative-coding access to similar tools, including knowledge transfer on how to use (and abuse) them. This is the basis of the Fluid Corpus Manipulation project (flucoma.org = I know, ugly acronym) and we want to share once we are really ready for creative coding within the environment. Sam is part of the alpha testing team.

Stay tuned, and try the code below at your own risk - and please do not hate me for posting non-road-ready code !


On 22 Dec 2018, at 10:38, wallace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

On 22.12.18 01:18, tremblap@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I was resisting ;-)

We have some stuff available for the daring soul here, which is an
interesting hybrid using SC and Python, nut not for the beginner:

More stuff, more idiomatic to SC, is coming out this summer, but we will
need a few more beta testers - we’ll make a call here I reckon.

this looks indeed great, i'd love to be part of the testers :)

I tried to install it already, but I think some files are missing
(docker and FluidSound.sc).


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