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[sc-users] Is it possible to override variant in Pbind?

If I specify a variant in Pbind's \instrument, is it possible to
override aome of the arguments or even specify ones that not included
in variant's array?
In following example I don't specify \susl argument in variant. But
I'm unable to control it with Pbind. It always get's default value.
SynthDef(\vtest, { |out=0|
var freq = \freq.kr(444);
    var a = Saw.ar(freq);
var env = EnvGen.kr(Env.adsr(\att.kr(0.01), 0.001, \susl.kr(0.4), 2),
gate: \gate.kr(1), doneAction: 2);
a = MoogVCF.ar(a * env, env.pow(1.4) * freq + freq, env * 0.5 + 0.3);
Out.ar(out,a * 3 )},
variants: (
a: [ att: 0.1],

    \instrument , 'vtest.a',
    \dur        , 0.6,
    \scale      , Scale.major,
    \root       , 0,
    \degree     , Pfunc({rrand(0,9)}),
\octave     , 4,
// \att, 0.01,
\susl, Pseq([0.01,0.8],inf)

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