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[sc-users] detritus in post window

When I run SuperCollider and the server, my post window fills up with these messages:

Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 2 fd = 13
Jack: JackSocketServerChannel::Execute : fPollTable i = 1 fd = 11

I have no idea what these messages mean, and they provide unwanted visual clutter.
Is there any way to turn these off?

        Thank You For Your Attention

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