Have you tried the Concat uGens included in the sc3-plugins? They
work quite nicely http://doc.sccode.org/Classes/Concat.html http://doc.sccode.org/Classes/Concat2.html On 18/12/2018 08.45,
wallace@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
hi, I've recently discovered Real-Time Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis, more info here: http://imtr.ircam.fr/imtr/CataRT It sounds very interesting and I also found an implementation in SC: https://github.com/kitefishlabs/cbpsc/ Unfortunately it does not run on my computer, probably because the code is old. Does anyone use this project? if not, do you maybe know other projects or other existing solutions for Real-Time Corpus-Based Concatenative Synthesis in SC? Thanks, Marcello _______________________________________________ sc-users mailing list info (subscription, etc.): http://www.birmingham.ac.uk/facilities/ea-studios/research/supercollider/mailinglist.aspx archive: https://listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/ search: https://listarc.bham.ac.uk/lists/sc-users/search/ --
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