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Re: [sc-users] SynthDescLib and Pbind

> Ah, I see. But hm, was it really me who shared this Function ?
so I thought but of course I could be wrong :) atm I don't have access to old list emails locally and I haven't been successful searching the archive (it seems one can browse the the threads here - https://listarc.bham.ac.uk/marchives/sc-users/ - but there's no search function available and I haven't been able to locate that thread using google either).

> However, I can sketch how to do it: with Pbind, as you noticed, you don't
> have Synth objects language-side. But you can adapt the Function by
> replacing the get/getn methods by terms that do that messging on the
> nodeIDs (not all too difficult, you can look up the source code of
> get/getn).
> Then you would need a tracker that indicates the current nodeIDs, e.g. by
> updating in a List. This can be built into the Pbind, I did something some
> years ago, but can't find it in the list archive right now ...
> Then the getter can be applied at any time on all List items. As always
> there can't be a 100% guarantee that the state indicated in the language
> represents the server state, but practically it should suffice.

this might come in handy. I will take a look.
> Hope that helps
it does! thanks a lot!

::: sam :::

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