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Re: [sc-users] SynthDescLib and Pbind


if you're not setting with Pbind there will be the default args and you can get them like this:


// equivalent

SynthDescLib.global[\default].controlDict.collect { |x| x.defaultValue } 

// or

SynthDescLib.global[\default].controls.collect { |x| x.name -> x.defaultValue }

So there's no need to track the synths (except you're somehow controlling them otherwise)




Am 15.12.2018 um 23:59 schrieb sam@xxxxxxxxxxx:

Hi everyone,

I'd like to poll a playing synth for its control values using SynthDescLib.
This works fine for synths that I instantiate directly but I can't quite figure
out how to extend it to synths being played by a Pbind.

I know I can do something like this to obtain the parameters for each event:

a = Pbind(\instrument, \kick, \degree, Pseq(Scale.minor.degrees)).asStream;

But in this manner I can't obtain the controls for each synth parameter, only
those being modified by each event.

Ideally I'd like to track the synth node itself so I can use a function to query all of its control values using SynthDescLib while the Pbind is playing.

I'd be very thankful for any pointers to achieve this...

Many thanks in advance!

::: sam :::

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