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Re: [sc-users] Installing Tidalcycles on Archlinux?
Hey there,
I am coincidentally going through the same hell as you, if it's any comfort...
Let me know if you find a solution, I am currently not able to build the f*king
thing on arch either (nor anything else haskell-related that is not in the
pacman/aru repos, for that matter. Getting all kinds of missing modules
I don't mind the extra haskell packages for pandoc, as I need that thing to work
for other stuff I'm doing, but it would have been great not to have to learn
haskell from scratch just to try out tidal. If a kind person would consider
maintaining an aur package I would be enthusiastically upvoting it!
Roosna & Flak - Contemporary Dance & Music
On 14 Dec 2018 09:16, revivaloflostart@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>Everything haskell related downloaded from the official repo seems to be
>dynamically linked, so every single library subsequently becomes a separate
>haskell- package in the system.
>I had some bad experience in the past installing things like pandoc from the
>official repo via pacman, where i'm constantly getting bombarded with frequent
>updates from an insane amount of haskell packages. On top of that, I think a
>lot of people also mentioned about the dependency hell that often occurs when
>installing haskell related packages via the package manager.
>I'm completely new to haskell though, so was wondering what would be the best
>way to install and get Tidal to work on my Archlinux? As if haskell is not
>confusing enough with its various install methods; using it on Arch seems to be
>even more of an obstacle.
>If anyone have experience setting up Tidal on Arch, any tip would be greatly
>Kind Regards,
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