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[sc-users] PV_BufRd woes


I'm currently trying to get my head around PV_BufRd. I'm following the
example in the helpfile but, instead of using a soundfile as input I'm
using a normal BufWd to record into a buffer. The buffer holding the FFT
analysis data (in the helpfile kept in a variable 'y') has the same
length as the buffer I'm writing my audio to. Nevertheless I'm getting
no audio out of my PV_BufRd, just repeated warnings:

WARNING: There is a mismatch between the PV databuffer you are using and
this instance of PV_BufRd
FFT size of databuf: %5,3f
FFT size of current process: %5,3f

What can this mean? Are there any synchronization issues I should
especially be aware of when using PV_BufRd? Is my approach using a BufWd
to continually capture audio input feasible at all?

... not super urgent. Can't easily give a code example atm as its part
of a bigger class. But maybe someone has an idea...



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