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Re: [sc-users] Euclidean Patterns

The other name for this is Bjorklund, and there is a Quark for it here:


This is the paper that sparked a lot of interest in the music community:


Bjorklund wrote his algorithm for spallation neutron source (SNS) accelerators in nuclear physics.

It's more efficient than the classic Euclidean, and is identical in output.

I actually used the same algorithm for a programming job. It's used to interleave internal (in house) and external real estate listings on results pages.  It's useful anytime you need to evenly distribute a smaller set amongst a larger set.

On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 12:48 AM <geoffbaltan@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi All -

I'd like to experiment with polyrhythmic relationships in Pattern
language.  My math skills are pretty weak, though - and I'm curious
what kind of available tools already might exist for this.

Essentially, the idea is that if one Pbind is outputting 16 "bars" in
5 seconds, I would like to be able to create another Pbind that could
do 15 "bars" in the same amount of time.

Any suggestions?

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