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Re: [sc-users] SC 3.10.0 freezes Plasma desktop

I installed it fresh from the AUR with no old installation present. The same package runs fine on my old Thinkpad using i3 as a display manager. I will read up on the nvidia and nouveau drivers first and report back.

On 12/2/18 11:44 PM, manifest.heap@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Some random thoughts:

If you compiled supercollider yourself, did you remove all traces of old installations (if any) before installing the new one?

Does it happen only on Plasma? There has been at least one other problem leading to a freezing system that so far only seems to manifest itself on a plasma system (but without NVidia card)
This superficial resemblance may be a pure coincidence though...


On 12/2/18 10:49 PM, sc-user@xxxxxxx wrote:
Hi list,

I'm almost done setting up Arch Linux on a used Dell workstation. I've been running a minimal Arch install with i3 almost without any problems for 2 years now but I thought I'd try a nice shiny desktop for a change. Also, I've no experience with NVidia cards on Linux.

I'm not expecting someone here to go into advanced Linux video driver debugging with me so I'll just tell you what's happening and maybe someone might have an idea:

The system is running well. Everything works. Reaper works nicely with jackd.

When I started scide directly after installing it failed to start, i.e., the window showed up for a second or so and then disappeared again. After a reboot, when I started scide again, the window showed up again and after about 1 second the system froze and some fan started spinning like mad in the computer. Not even ctrl+alt+F1 worked anymore. I had to do a hard reset.

Is there anything special that SC 3.9.10 is doing that other Qt applications don't do that would cause something like this?

Any idea?


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