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[sc-users] Re: MP3 Class / stream

adamsamuel_ wrote
> With curl installed, I'm still not able to stream using the MP3 quark
> unfortunately. Researching the error code returned, which is 255, it seems
> to come from lame rather than curl. 

I don't know much about troubleshooting lame, but I can say, 255 is the
error code I got when trying to run the quark without curl installed.
However, "command not found" is supposed to be 127 (according to a quick

You're getting curl-y output, so it isn't the same as my test case.

> mkfifo test
> sudo /usr/bin/curl http://str1.sad.ukrd.com/thebee-pr.mp3 |
> /usr/local/bin/lame --mp3input --decode test.fifo > /dev/null

Do you need the sudo? I wouldn't.

Does it print more if you remove "> /dev/null"?

Beyond that, I'm not able to spend much more time on this issue -- if it's a
problem with lame, that's well outside my expertise.


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