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Re: [sc-users] Questions regarding Pspawner

as always, thank you daniel for the thorough answer!

On Sun, Jan 7, 2018 at 3:02 PM, <daniel-mayer@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'll answer inline

Am 07.01.2018 um 11:23 schrieb mousaique@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:

> Hello all,
> i have three questions, only related by the fact them all concerning Pspawner:)
> 1.Can the wait arg be dynamically controlled, e.g. through Patterns?

Yes, you just have to define it, i.e. make a Stream and poll from it

Pspawner({ |sp|
        var w = Pseq([0.2, 0.6], inf).asStream;
        10.do {
                sp.seq(Pbind(\note, Pwhite(-10, 20, 4), \dur, 0.15));

> 2.Can sequential or parallel subpatterns in a Pspawner share data, like Pkey does inside a Pbind?

Yes, they can share data with the same strategies that work in general, e.g. define local variables

p = Pspawner({ |sp|
        var chord;
                        \setChord, Pseq([0, 4.5, 8, 2.5], inf).collect { |x| chord = [0, 4, 7] + x },
                        \dur, 1.5,
                        \type, \rest
        sp.wait(0.001); // ensure harmony choice before melody
        sp.par(Pbind(\note, Pfunc { chord.choose }, \dur, 0.2, \octave, Pwhite(4, 5)));
        sp.par(Pbind(\note, Pfunc { chord.choose }, \dur, 0.1, \octave, Pwhite(6, 7)));


> 3.Is it possible to "realtime" update a Pspawner while playing, like e.g. with a Pbindef?

Sure, e.g. with setting envir variables (dynamic scoping).
Here a combination of topics (2) and (3)

~chord = [0, 4, 7];
p = Pspawner({ |sp|
        sp.par(Pbind(\note, Pfunc { ~chord.choose }, \dur, 0.2, \octave, Pwhite(4, 5)));
        sp.par(Pbind(\note, Pfunc { ~chord.choose }, \dur, 0.1, \octave, Pwhite(6, 7)));

~chord = [0, 3, 11]

~chord = [-6, 2, 10]

~chord = [0, 2.5, 7, 9.5]


That's the same principle as with Pspawner and VarGui control, that came up in some other threads, e.g.





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