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[sc-users] Re: Supercollider group on Slack

Sorry to bring back an old thread. 

I found this Slackin link here after a recent thread mentioned it, and it's
also in the SC contribution guide on Github. It seems the now.sh server is
no longer around. The URL <https://slackin-apxbmqnfui.now.sh/> times out. Is
the Slack still active?


Josh Parmenter wrote
> Hi everyone,
> Please check out the SC slack channel... Brian Heim has set up an
> auto-invite server. Hope to see you there: auto-invite server for the new
> scsynth.slack.com: https://slackin-apxbmqnfui.now.sh/
> &lt;https://slackin-apxbmqnfui.now.sh/&gt;
> Great for quick discussion and meeting others (and, probably, for help on
> urgent issues). One word of warning - this is the free Slack level, so
> history dies. This isn’t meant to replace the awesomelysearchable sc-users
> / sc-dev mail lists or GitHb discussion. But it should be a good place to
> have real-time discussion.
> Best,
> Josh

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