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Re: [sc-users] Recording input without hear it
Ah - I think I see the disconnect.
What you want to record is the output of SoundIn, and you set up the RecordBuf to do that. However, you never write the buffer out that RecordBuf writes to - you are using Server:record for that, which records only the audio output of the scsynth process.
When your synth stops, and before you free the buffer, you want to call .write on ~bufferTemp. See the Buffer helpfile for those parameters, and then you can remove the s.record / s.stopRecording calls, replacing them with the writes. Also - make sure you free your buffers!
Hope that helps.
> On Jan 4, 2018, at 2:21 AM, i_love_techno-ilt@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Thank you Josh Parmenter!
> I forgot to remove it before posting..
> what happens is that with Out.ar I can record to HDD, but I hear the sound
> as well.
> If I remove it (as I was supposed to do) nothing will be heard, but nothing
> will be write on HDD
> --
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