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Re: [sc-users] Recording input without hear it

I think you can just remove the Out.ar line.

Give that a shot and see if it does what you want.

Hope that helps.


On Jan 3, 2018, at 10:07 AM, i_love_techno-ilt@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Hi all,
I'm trying to record to HDD the first input and I found myself in trouble
when I tried to transform this:

var fade = 1; // record fade in & fade out duration

// allocate a Buffer

~bufferTemp = Buffer.alloc(
~sampleRate * ~recduration, // allocate size
1);   // single channel

e = EnvGen.ar(Env([0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0],[fade,~recduration-(fade*2),fade])); //
fade in - fade out

~recordingTemp = RecordBuf.ar(SoundIn.ar(0)*e, // first input channel *
~bufferTemp,       // store recording in buffer
loop: 0,        // do not loop
doneAction: 2   // free synth when done.

to a SynthDef with a Routine to start rec, sart Synth, stop rec:

// Record audio from the first input channel
var fade = 1; // record fade in & fade out duration

// allocate a Buffer

~bufferTemp = Buffer.alloc(
~sampleRate * ~recduration, // allocate size
1); // single channel

e = EnvGen.ar(Env([0.0,1.0,1.0,0.0],[fade,~recduration-(fade*2),fade])); //
fade in - fade out record
~recordingTemp = RecordBuf.ar(SoundIn.ar(0)*e, // first input
channel * envelope
~bufferTemp,       // store recording in buffer
loop: 0,        // do not loop
doneAction: 2   // free synth when done.

(Routine{var name = "Recordings/out"++~recNum++".wav",cartella, wav;

s.record(path: name.resolveRelative); // Start rec
~recduration.wait; // Rec duration
s.stopRecording; // Stop rec

The thing is that this will record the SC *output* and not the input.. I
found only ex with the first case, when the function is evaluated directly,
but what if I want to use a SynthDef?
Thank you in advance and sorry if this question was already asked

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