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Re: [sc-users] No scvim when compiling from git?
I'm using
I remember that the scvim that came with it did not work out of the box.
I had to install
and fiddle a bit with the config.. I'm not sure anymore but I think I
had to remove the existing SCVim.sc in
/usr/share/SuperCollider/Extensions before symlinking the SCVim.sc from
the sbl package.
I just noticed the repo meanwhile has moved to
and now requires SC 3.9
That wasn't the case when I installed it. But it might indicate there's
development going on on this side and that's good to see.
Good luck!
On 01/01/2018 04:49 PM, jmckernon@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
I note that scvim isn't included when I compile supercollider from
git. Is there a cmake flag to include it? I tried including
-DSC_VIM=ON as a command line option to cmake, but it didn't seem to
make any difference.
For what it's worth, I'm on Arch Linux and using the aur package.
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