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Re: [sc-users] Function Output Storage
Yes, you can do whatever you want in ~eights, storing the result in a
persistant list of result then return it, or append it to a file.
Another approach is to write / post the seed used to generate the
random array so you can get the same values again by re-using the same
2017-12-19 13:56 GMT+01:00 <geoffbaltan@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hello All,
> I have been working with a function that generates an array of values.
> I use it to change the scale degrees in a Pbind, every few
> repetitions. There's a simplified version attached.
> The thing is - sometimes I get a particular configuration that I like,
> but it's seemingly impossible to refer back to it, once it's been
> executed.
> I'm wondering if there is a way to dump every re-execution of the
> function into some type of storage file and then perhaps access the
> individual iterations. Any thoughts?
> ~eights={Array.fill(8, {12.rand})};
> Pbindef(\la,
> \degree, Pn(Plazy { Pseq(~eights.(), 4) }, inf),
> \dur, 1/4
> ).play;
> Thanks,
> Geoff
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