Great, thanks, trying it out. But there doesn't seem to be any RC1 release of sc3-plugins...? Should we just use the 3.9.0-beta1 version, or is something new upcoming in the next few days?Thanks,Glen.On Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 10:22 PM, <nathan@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:Hi list,
Our first release candidate for SuperCollider 3.9 is out now! If all goes well, this version will become the official 3.9 release. Here's the release page: Version-3.9.0-rc1
Here's a quick list of changes since 3.9.0-beta1:
- server.waitForBoot broke in the beta. It has been restored now.
- The TOC in SCDoc has been redesigned to fix a UI issue introduced in the beta.
- Fixed supernova crashing when too many controls are used.
- Fixed duplicate node ID errors involving Server.initTree.
- Volume now respects lag time when it is instantiated or destroyed.
- Server:clientID is now protected from being changed while the server is running.
- History and HistoryGui have been cleaned up.
- A new "booted" stage has been added to Server objects that have been booted but may not be running yet, accessible via Server:hasBooted and Server:allBootedServers.
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